"ECRINS A L'HONNEUR SUR BFM MARSEILLE: Innovation et Développement en Montagne (Innovation and Development in the Mountains)

by | Jan 25, 2023 | News 0 comments

On Tuesday January 24, BFM Marseille Provence's "C'est la Tech BB" program featured Ecrins, exploring its development and mountain innovation in its broadest sense. This opportunity highlighted our commitment to innovation in the mountain sector.

The show's hosts, Raphaëlle Duchemin and Marine Bossy, generously took the time to discuss our work and vision. Their spotlight gave valuable visibility to our trailer and our passion for the mountains.

At Kid'Venture, we're proud to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation in the mountain field, and this opportunity to share on BFM Marseille Provence encourages us to keep up our efforts.

Stay tuned to find out more about our adventure and our ongoing commitment to family mobility and innovation in the mountains.
The replay of the show can be found right here :

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